The Shuffle Series
On this page, Shuffle refers to a series of pieces that, so far, have been composed for solo instrumentalists. The Shuffle idea might be thought of as a chamber version of The Coma Concerto idea.
Each Shuffle is a unique piece for live performer and pre-recorded music.
The pre-recorded music consists of multiple tracks to be played back on any device that has a Shuffle Mode:
A computer (Ex: iTunes)
A smart phone (Ex: iPhone)
Certain CD players (with the aforementioned tracks burned separately onto the CD)
The pre-recorded music is created in a direct collaboration between the composer and performer:
Step 1: The performer demonstrates special tones/timbres and gestures they view as distinct and special parts of their personal sonic vocabulary.
Step 2: Based on those demonstrations, the composer writes gestures, phrases and sections and gives those to the performer.
Step 3: The performer records the multiple segments of music and sends them to the composer.
Step 4: The composer edits the recorded segments (often with minimal signal processing) and creates multiple short recordings.
Step 5: The recordings are assembled into a playlist.
Step 6: The performer plays live over the playlist. The playlist is to be played back in Shuffle Mode, (which will change the order of the tracks) insuring a significant difference from performance to performance.
Therefore, the live performance is an improvised* response to the tracks.
The use of amplification and live signal processing is at the performer’s discretion.
The live performer may either
Rely upon their skills to improvise freely in response to the randomized playback.
*Study each track for information that may shape their improvisational strategy:
Tonal center or pitch content, if relevant
Rhythmic ideas, Tempo, Metric ideas, if relevant
Additional Performance Options
The performer may begin playing before the recorded material starts
The performer may continue to play after the recorded material ends
The performer may omit certain pre-recorded tracks in creating the playlist, inspired by a perceived potential regarding
Pacing of events
Focusing of the possibilities
Current Shuffles
Shuffle for Electric Guitar
Shuffle for Juho
Shuffle for Zac
Interested in your own Shuffle? contact